Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm back!

Sweet, sweet internet. My very intelligent, highly skilled, and much beloved M has managed to configure our internet connection. Never mind the boxes piled everywhere (and I do mean everywhere). Never mind the unassembled and unpurchased furniture. We are online! (Lest you think I'm being sarcastic, I am genuinely grateful. Boxes will take forever to unpack; I've been having internet DTs.)

And here is an example of just how brutal my love can be. He hairbrushed my foot! Well, actually, he hairbrushed my backside hard enough to make me kick high, and then he hairbrushed my foot. As SarAdora would say, Tsk.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Rules

A few weeks ago, sparkle posted this list of her rules, both old and new. It got me thinking about the rules that I've had at different times and in different relationships, so I decided to make a similar list.

Permanent Rules
(Rules that never change and seem to be embraced by all disciplinarians I've had.)

1.) Take care of myself
This is the broadest, most basic rule. Parameters can be defined differently by different tops, but are generally the same. They include eating, not deliberately going to dangerous places by myself, not driving recklessly (I am a very good driver, but have been informed by Chris and M and Yoni that if I were to ever get a speeding ticket I would be in big trouble from them all), and generally not endangering myself. More specific interpretations have included not peering over sand cliffs to see the rushing torrent of water (M), not driving on my cell without an earpiece (Yoni), and not getting sunburned at the beach (Chris).

Yes, I've been spanked for most of those.

2.) No texting while driving.
This is a newer rule for me, but unfortunately one on which all my disciplinarians agree. And I agree that it's safer, but sometimes it would be so much more convenient to shoot off a quick text--and sometimes that happens while I'm in the car. But I have promised to be careful.

I have been spanked for this a little. Mostly threatened and roundly scolded for thinking about it.
3.) No bad behavior
I really am generally well-behaved, despite what this blog might imply. But I do get impatient and I will vent my frustrations occasionally with a stamp of my foot or a flash of my tongue. This bothers M more than any of the others, but all of them have spanked me (or swatted me) for it.

Currently, the penalty for any tongue-sticking-out whatsoever is a hairbrushing. Period. No haggling allowed.

Temporary Rules
(Rules that have been in place for certain periods of time with certain disciplinarians.)

1.) Do my reading/work
When I was in grad school there were a couple of times when I asked M and/or Yoni to help give me some structure. I was falling behind in reading for classes, pushing papers to the last minute, and generally spiralling downward. Having an external sense of accountability helped me get things accomplished and kept everyone more sane.

This was one of the more regimented examples of the rule.

2.) Take care of myself
Sometimes I get really bad at watching out for myself, so I have more specific rules about what to eat, when to go to bed, or things like that. These are short-term things, since neither my tops nor I wish to get into a 24/7 control relationship. They are set up to protect me when I'm not doing a good enough job taking care of myself and they last "as long as they need to." (grin--can you tell I've heard that before?) Consequences include reporting in at various times to my disciplinarian, spanking for falling short of the expectations, lines, and early bedtime.

That just about covers it. Seems like sparkle does have more rules than I do!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Out of Whack

I just posted something new over at Punishment Book.

Go check it out.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

As promised. . .

I'm just dropping in for a minute to put up the lines I said I would/was forced to post. M had a family reunion all last week (we went there straight from Shadow Lane) and we are in the process of moving to a new apartment now. Updates might be less frequent than I'd like, but I'll do my best.

Oh, and thank you to everyone who has posted such lovely comments!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Shadow Lane 2007

M and I just got back from Vegas and the Shadow Lane party. Highlights from the weekend:

· Doing a role play with HH, where I was an 18-year-old miscreant caught out after curfew, causing a breach of the peace with drunk and disorderly conduct. As an American tourist, I didn’t know that the British deal with such behavior in a barbaric and archaic fashion: by dressing the girl in a school uniform and sending her for “corporal correction.” Mmmm, lovely.

· Playing with M in a suite party and gathering a crowd because of the intensity of the spanking. It wasn’t for punishment—purely fun—but my endorphins were flowing and I took a seriously hard session with a wooden paddle and a thick strap. It was so hard that Niki Flynn was literally cowering in the corner watching! One gentleman asked me very politely afterward, “Um, was that typical?” Grin.

· Feeling very well cared for by M and Chris as I struggled with some of my own demons. And being surrounded by supportive friends.

· The last evening of the party, a group of good friends in our room. Niki Flynn, HH, Chris, sparkle, Mija, NY Irish Red, Bailey, Ian the London Tanner, Tony Hamilton, and Aurora. Much merriment, champagne, spanking, and teasing.

· At said party, Chris was spanking me with one of Ian’s paddles and Ian objected to the slight inflection in my voice as I counted Chris’ strokes. Mr. London Tanner decided to teach me a new way to count and put me over his own knee. One stroke per cheek, and I had to count from one to ten on one side and ten to one on the other. (Got that?) It’s supposed to be like this: Smack “One!” Smack “Ten!” Smack “Two!” Smack “Nine!” Confusing at best, right? Except Ian, sadist that he is, started giving me two in a row on the same cheek. But I managed to keep it all straight, even confusing him at one point. J And the room cheered when we were done.

· The (ahem) 8 hour drive home from Vegas to LA. It could have been traumatic, but because we carpooled with Chris and sparkle, it was as fun as it could possibly be. We groaned, teased, reminisced about the weekend, and planned for the next party.