It would be totally unacceptable for an entire month to go by without a post. So, um, even though it's been a full month since I last posted, I'm going to register at least one post for the month of August.
It's not that life has been hard. Just full.
Full mostly of wedding and work and life. M and I spent one full weekend at a premarital counseling event alternately referred to as "Jesus Camp" (though most of it was truly wonderful). We've been trying to be intentional about spending time with each other, even when I chose to work 12 days in a row and made myself sick, even when work for him is stressful off the charts, even when we're working on getting 70 wedding invitations assembled and mailed on top of the 100 California reception invitations printed and mailed. Yeah, life's been busy.
We've found some time for spanking. I'm really not stressed about the wedding or the preparations--I've chosen Flexibility as a spiritual discipline and I'm not letting myself be overworked about any single wedding issue. Wrong return address on the invitations? Who cares? Too many decisions to fit in a single day? Take one at a time. I'm proud of how I'm handling each individual thing. But the cumulative weight of it all is starting to get to me. (It doesn't help that I'm also trying to compile a voluminous file for professional certification at the same time.) So I've been spanked for general stress levels and for that ultimate sin, Not Taking Care of Myself. Which seems like a highly overrated value right now, if you ask me. But nothing serious.
At this moment, M is in Las Vegas for the Shadow Lane party; I'll follow tomorrow night. M, Chris, sparkle, and I have gotten a suite for this party: a new thing for all of us and something we've wanted to try. Sparkle has something fun planned for Sunday afternoon (I'm sure we'll fill you in upon our return). And I am trying to pack, clean our apartment for unexpected company that will stay here while we're gone, and get in as much relaxing as possible. Shadow Lane is lots of fun and it will be wonderful to see friends, but it's not what I'd call a real vacation. Too much to focus on, too many people around, and too much to do/see.
Friends, forgive me. I'm tired and a bit overwhelmed. I truly am looking forward to the weekend and despite my complaints, I truly am doing well. Life is very, very good. I am deeply in love with the man I am going to marry and I am lucky to be planning our wedding. Hopefully, the next time I post it will be with something interesting and something kinky.